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Sunday 26 January 2014

The Republic of India

      26th January, 2014. the 65th Republic Day of India. We may instantaneously getting to our mind after this thought is, the sweets which will be distributed in our schools, yeah even the most tedious and prodigious speeches by our Principals.

Nice memories..!

But guys did we ever thought to actually know about this day? All of us know that we've one Independence day, as the name shows its about freedom.

But what does this  Republic mean?

I've done a small research regarding this. All of you might be the already know about it, but for the satisfaction of this insignificant myself, I would like to inform you my inferences in this regard.

First of all let's look up at what literally Republic would mean?

"A state in which the supreme power is held over by the people in the form of a set of rules"

I sounds some what same as Democracy. Isn't it?

Not actually...!

A republic mean a polity or a society or a group especially citizen are accountable to the Rule Of Law, The Constitution.

We've Autocratic polities which are republic i.e., the governments not elected by people, but with the absence of a monarch.

A Democratic involves people in electing their representatives and becomes part of governance, but it may not be republic.

We can take the example of Singapore for earlier one and ancient Athens for later one.

But when coming to our country, we're Democratic Republicans.

We do elect the polities and all of us are embodied under Rule Of Law. 

The Constitution itself is the Rule Of Law.

Now we directly go onto our title. On this day, our constitution came into existence. On this day, as a citizen of this vast, versatile, diverse nation, we took oath to work under the constitution. But how many of us actually know about it.

(Even I don't know : p)

Lets explore it together.

Can you guess the Largest written constitution of any sovereign state in world is.......?


It comprises of 448 articles in 24 parts, 12 schedules with 98 amendments from cover to cover.

It was drafted by Constituent assembly, with legends like Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, Sanjay Phakey, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, C. Rajagopalachari, Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Patel, Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, and many more. It even includes women like Sarojini Naidu, Durgabai Deshmukh.

Adopted on 26th November 1949 and came into effect from 26th January 1950, the date was chosen to mark the commemorate The Poornaswaraj declaration by the father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi, in 1930.

The Constitution declared India to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic. Assures its citizen of Justice, Equality and Liberty and endeavor to promote Fraternity among them.

Most of the people say that there is no one in the world who has read the entire Constitution of India..!

This is the unwieldy and incomprehensible Rule Book that is supposed to guide the daily-lives of the people of India and their municipalities, state and federal governments and the relations between them.

No wonder no one really know what is going on in India, except those who claim special knowledge as forbearance of which unfortunately, there is quite a few.

Now lets look at our India of 21st century.

In this 65 years, a lot had happened. Many good deeds for the people, even with a few unexpected things. The main problems which were at the time of our independence, the poverty, literacy rate, unemployment and many. We've been successfully tackling these problems and were able to control to large extent. But unfortunately, they weren't eradicated. The economic indifference is still a great challenge for us. When coming to education, it has been made available even in most remote areas.

Now, our India has the most valuable population of youth. The energy and zeal of youth can really have an impact.

But this can be possible only by well trained, both career oriented and character oriented developed youth.

Both of these are essential.

We've been successful to a great extent in career oriented training. Now we've the largest hand in the international market of services of Information.

But what about character oriented development. Now in this fast forward 21st century youthful India, we couldn't find security for our sisters and daughters of this land. Where are we going guys..?

For all our career oriented development we've coaching centers in ameerpet, but from where can we get our character oriented development. We don't have our grand parents available with us. Thanks to the Micro Families.

And our parents, they're busy in the hunt of money. Its even not their mistake, to tackle the present inflation, they have to do.

Only place left is school, but even there in the flood of unnecessary competition environment, we weren't able to know what is good or bad.

The ancient culture of our India had taught how to tackle with desires. But, the western civilizations were full of how can we satisfy our desires. In the period of colonial rule, India got the connectivity with that culture of satisfying desires. Unfortunately, we're very fond of that culture of Sensual orientation.

This is not criticizing a culture. Right now, the interference of the culture has to happen. The technological advancement of the western world must be taken and applied through our ancient wisdom.

In the previous year of August 27, the most unforgettable incident took place, the Muzaffarnagar riots. Why are we Indians getting away into the clutches of religious feelings? Why are we becoming so cruel for the false egos of our religious feelings? The religion is necessary for a person, but not at the cost of Humanity. Guys, we should even work on this.

So, the only thing what I intended to convey here is, let us come together, think of the nation and its problems. We can sure come out with valuable solutions. This year, we are having the biggest festival of Democracy, the elections involving 120 million new voters.

As our The Hon. president, Mr. Pranab Mukherji, in his address to the nation, urges us , to use this right to vote in the best way it can.

Let us hope the people of India would win the election, not a particular party.